I’ve just had a sudden realization. All those years in school looking at the other students thinking why can’t they be smarter and just get the math, science, or whatever – I was wrong. They weren’t the slow ones because they were learning exactly the lesson the curriculum was designed to teach them. I was slow. I missed the point. I did not learn my lessons properly.
The real lesson was don’t think for yourself. Don’t learn math it’s too hard. Don’t learn the scientific method it’s boring, and the Rosetta Stone of the scientific world which is filled with nerds you’ll want to avoid. Don’t say smart things it isn’t cool and your peers will laugh at you. Whatever you do you do not want to learn to think for yourself as this will mean you are free, and freedom is a responsibility you can’t handle. You’ll want someone to point you in the right directions for the best career opportunities that they want you to have. You need to be a worker.
What they really wanted me to learn was to conform to their plan for how things should work, and do the work needed to carry out that plan. It’s in their best interest for me to believe that the system isn’t something that can or will be changed so I just go along. The funny thing is that everyone I interact with on a daily basis is just as caught in this lie as I was, and I’m willing to bet that everyone they interact with is as well. We all struggle and compete against each other to finish first, but the prize is lining the pockets of someone we’ve never met.